Each year ACMS builds on its systems to help make the client experience more meaningful. We are starting to roll out the ACMS client portal system. This will allow Owners to sign in through the ACMS website and create a non-emergency service call (a “Case”). The system will assign a reference number to the Case and at anytime the Owner can review the progress on the Case. If you have granted ACMS Email Permission we will be emailing you the set-up information. The system allows the Owner to provide as much information (including attaching relevant documents and photos) which will help clarify the issue at hand.

The ACMS Website also has a section under Resources which provides a lot of helpful newsletters and articles on various topics. Another helpful tool on the ACMS website is Condo Documents also found under Resources. When you click on Condo Documents it will ask for your corporation name or CCN number. A page will then display all the documents that are available and which may be required for the sale or refinancing of a unit. This tab contains such documents as Annual General Meeting Minutes, Bylaws and Policies, Financials, Insurance, Minutes, and Reserve Fund Studies. In the same area, using Documents on Demand RUSH Requests can be activated to order Disclosure Statements and Estoppel Certificates. Under Miscellaneous you can find various forms and sometimes reports and specifications.

These are just a few of the many user-friendly tools available to help you appreciate the true value of your home and understand the intricacies of condominium ownership.