
ACMS Website — Get To Know Us

Each year ACMS builds on its systems to help make the client experience more meaningful.  We are starting to roll out the ACMS client portal system.  This will allow Owners to sign in through the ACMS website and create a non-emergency service call (a “Case”).  The system will assign a reference number to the Case and at anytime the Owner

Parkade Repair: The Surprise Special Assessment

Every part of your condo requires regular repairs and maintenance, things like paint and shingles. Parkades need the same but are subjected to harsher conditions because vehicles bring the road and the weather in with them. This makes the surface in parkades susceptible to two types of damage, physical and chemical. You might wonder why you should care about your

Insurance Coverage: What Is Covered by Who

What Is Covered by the Condominium Corporation Policy As a condominium Unit Owner, you are a part owner of a Condominium Corporation. The insurance obtained by the Condominium Corporation is regulated by the Alberta Condominium Property Act and Regulations, and the By-Laws of the Corporation. The standard Condominium Corporation is required to cover all of the insurable property of

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